
Medical administration professionals have the difficult task of managing patient care with high precision and accuracy. Quality, timely patient information is critical to their success. In addition, keeping up with all the data updates and changing regulations can be daunting. Imagine the time, energy, and resources it would take if administrative professionals had to create all of their forms from scratch. This is why Templateog体育首页 offers a selection of medical admin dashboard templates that are already pre-formatted for healthcare professionals in fields such as nursing, nursing management, social work, 心理健康或康复咨询, and more. We pride ourselves on creating quality templates guaranteed to help them succeed where they often fail.

谁能从使用医院、诊所中受益 & 医疗保健管理面板模板?

管理医疗设施本身就是一项累人的工作. Tracking patients' medical records and scan reports can become a hassle. Furthermore, patients must enter their personal information whenever they visit a clinic or hospital. 这对他们和员工来说既烦人又耗时. They might forget to bring their ID cards or not know the information on them by heart.

Healthcare providers, doctors, clinics, and health centers need a dashboard to help them manage their operations related to SaaS, CRM, ERP, HRM, and other business needs. These control panel themes are built with the latest technology, clean designs, and secure coding. 他们将简化工作流程, increase efficiency, 减少错误,让员工更容易完成他们的工作. Just imagine how much time you'll save and how much more you'll be able to focus on caring for your clients when you have access to a dashboard that automates the whole process.

Considering these challenges, these templates are the perfect solution for all your problems! They are easily customizable and will let you manage your hospitals, clinics & healthcare facilities more efficiently while also serving as a valuable tool for all your clients and visitors.


管理员在后端定制上花费了大量时间. 它是存储所有工作流的中心点, 他们可以监控组织中的一切. A poorly designed board would lead to confusion, frustration, and wasted time for the medical staff. 因此,为它们定制一个有效的布局是很重要的.

So, let's explore some tips to help you make a better medical admin dashboard in no time:

  • 专注于关键的事情. Doctors should be able to give you a clear, quick, and easy flow with the basics that they need. For example, if a doctor needs more information about how many patients have been seen by the internist, 他们很可能会点击“内科医生看的病人”." That's because it is faster than searching through the menu and information pages.
  • Design your board in such a way that you can give quick access to essential things. The best way to do this is to group the most relevant pieces of data. For example, 如果你在看心脏病患者的仪表盘, then provide quick access to the average blood pressure readings.
  • Clean up the layout and use different colors to distinguish between health metrics. The more intense your color scheme is, the more critical that particular metric is.
  • 注意医生和护士最常用的积木, 把它们放在屏幕的顶部或底部. 这使他们能够快速访问他们的工作.
  • 避免你的桌面杂乱——尽可能地整理. It would be best if you did not clutter your board with too much information you might need later.

引导管理面板模板的医院,诊所 & 医疗保健-如何选择完美的仪表板设计

因为仪表板代表了公司的目标, objectives, progress, and performance, they need to be straightforward and visually appealing to the user.


  • Responsive. Design is adaptive for any device: desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.
  • Dark and light versions. 轻松切换模式,为您的舒适.
  • Notifications. 接收有关您帐户的任何更改的消息.
  • Graphs and tables. 美观的数据可视化处理 & 员工统计,完全互动.
  • Auth pages. 快速注册/登录过程.
  • Layouts. 通过选择标题将布局设置为您的偏好 & 侧边栏样式(垂直/水平,下拉/固定).
  • Forms. A well-designed form should be easy to fill out and display a notification when the form is submitted successfully or when an error occurs. 所有这些都不会破坏工作流程.
  • 只需点击几下就可以控制一切. 更改布局,选择按钮颜色等.
  • Web documentation. Online instructions from beginning to end: from creating an account to managing it.



A good admin panel should be able to monitor the doctor's appointments, lab results, and medicines. In addition, it should have a system for doctors to update patients' records. This is because patients need to be updated about their appointment times and any changes in their health.


There are various themes available for purchase in the marketplace. 它们的价格从16美元到199美元不等.

May I sell Templateog体育首页's backend UI designs for health centers as-is?

不允许按原样销售模板. But you're able to sell them as items that are created with these themes.


Yes, you may. 如果产品与描述和规格不符, has major defects, or you didn't receive it, 它可能有资格获得退款.


随时了解最热门的医院、诊所的最新消息 & 医疗保健管理仪表板今年的设计趋势! We have made an informative video about the fonts, styles, and forms that grab everyone's attention. Use them for doctors, clinics, and health centers projects, and be on top with Templateog体育首页.